Change, Process engineering

But we’ve always done it like that….

But we've always done it like that....

This scenario is indeed quite common in all organizations. Some processes sneak in without any one challenging them or trying to understand and question: why?
Sometime we should keep the child inside us and question more often when it doesn’t make sense. Don’t always assume the processes are correct, just because someone thought about them before.
If they don’t make sense to you, or if you don’t understand them, ask why.
This is quite a common mistake during knowledge transfer: you just click this button, then print this paper and deliver to this person. After a couple of years (or just a few weeks), it doesn’t make any sense and it makes the process of redesign way harder because no one seems to know what they are doing, they just do what they were told to. Sounds familiar? 🙂


Work smarter… not harder

Ah this is a clear message for myself. Many times we just feel that all we have to do is work harder: “I’ll work harder and I’ll make it next time”. Someone actually told me: you don’t need to work harder, you just need to work smarter! And I’ve been thinking about it ever since.

Just sharing a nice article I’ve just found on the topic:

Sharpen the Saw means preserving and enhancing the greatest asset you have–you. It means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Then tackle all your issues one by one. How do you eat an elephant?

It’s up to you to establish your limits. If you are overloaded (or feeling like a burned frog) you won’t be any productive. So breathe, and then list out all the things you have on your plate and think what can be delegated or what can be delayed.

After all, we’re our greatest asset, you can find work but not another you 🙂
