
The Spinning Wheel

And here I go again, ready for another day in the office, hopefully trying to give my best and making sure my line manager notices it that, so I can get promoted in the next window.

Or maybe another project and then another one and we keep on going, never stopping. Stopping is giving up, or so we believe. Ideally faster and with more energy than never before, otherwise we may get kicked out of the wheel, the super powerful wheel.

How many of us actually dare to stop and look around? How many of us dare to stop and make the only question: why? What about getting out of the box and thinking:

* What have I achieved in the past 6 months? 1 year? 5 years?
* What would I change if I had the opportunity?
* Where next?
* Am I doing what I feel most fit for doing? Am I reaching the full potential?

I have to admit I rarely do these questions, because that requires stop and thinking and although many of us are paid to think, we don’t really. We follow the wheel, we follow the crowd, we follow whatever we need to follow so we move on in the wheel of our career. Typically there is a defined path and everyone is so focused in reaching the next step that they forgot to look around! And then we wonder, surprisingly at those strange aliens that decide to stop it all and go into a complete different path.

There’s a fast changing world out there, and the only way we can achieve the best of us is by stepping back and reconsidering what we should really be doing. The companies don’t allow any time for this, as there is always someone else willing to jump into the wheel, but on the other hand organisations are also expected to be more organic and evolve and grow. Any new hire will end up getting trapped into the wheel sooner or later and any type of substantial change will become harder.

Getting out of the wheel doesn’t need to  be drastic and resigning and just travel the world, it may mean understanding the things that need to be changed both for the individual and for the company, where can things be improved?

So I say, are you ready to jump of the wheel? You may be surprised in what you may discover.
