management, Motivation, promotion

: The marriage :

More than the name and product, companies are made by the employees they have. Where you have people you have relationships and the complexities linked to it. So I guess it won’t feel as a surprise if I say an employment contract isn’t that different from marriage. The obvious part is that both have a contract to bind them together. But I’m jumping ahead.

Analysing prospect candidates
A bit like tinder and swiping until you find the right candidates. You do some online search, you find the characteristics that attract you and then you book a date. The candidates also have their own preferences and expectations out of you, so they also need that first dating to understand if the relationship can go any further of if it’s better not even to start. So candidates will research the companies, will talk with the ex or the friends to try to get more information ahead.

The first dating
Ah, the most awkward moment of any dating, what to say on the first date. Even before anyone says anything, a lot of analysis already took place: how does the candidate look? Does it seem confident? Does it seem to transpire the same values as the company? Does it seem clever? Worth of the job? But the candidate is doing some analysis too: how does the office look like? Is it the type of place they can see themselves working? Then the interviewer, could I see myself working with this person?

Conversation will eventually start and questions from both sides are made. It’s a very short slot to decide if it’s worth proceeding ahead or not. Some companies offer assessment centres / case studies to try to assess how the candidates behave in a group and how they react in certain situations, others have a long row of interviews.

It’s a highly costly process
As anyone out there having the joys of dating, you will know it is expensive! From the first date to the next ones, it takes time and money. All the restaurants, all the wine, the meals and in the end the candidate might just say no at any point in time!

The proposal
Eventually for the most successful candidate(s) a proposal will be made. Quite a critical moment! For the company, they want to ensure they do the proposal to the right candidate, one that will stay and help the company nourish, that will fit with the company values and principles and ultimately will do a good job. From one hand they don’t want to lose the candidate by making a too low proposal, on the other hand they don’t want to offer a lot more than the market average either. So finding the right balance is key. For the candidate, this is the point where they feel it’s like a marriage. You don’t want to tie up the knot with the wrong company, where you might end up hating your job, not adapting, not liking the team. The other critical point is the starting pack. Most candidates know this is really important, as once they are in, their chances of salary increase would be really hard. Interestingly enough it’s a lot easier to get a divorce and get back to get a better package than be a good partner and wait for some compensation. Just the way it works.

So what’s the problem then?
The problem is that like any marriage (or any relationship), once they are in, they stop committing. Romance dies, no more fancy dinners, no extra effort in trying to please the other. The contract was signed so you’re part of the house now. Companies stop looking into the employees that are in and continue focus on the overall company goals and even defining recruitment targets. Employees end up being trapped into roles that didn’t fit their expectations, that are not as exciting as they would expect when they’ve got into the relationship or they don’t have the progression they were expecting. Suddenly everything feels like routine and they start fantasising how’s life on the other side of the fence. To make matters worst, there’s new people coming in with better roles and better salaries and that’s when motivation goes down the pipe and the option for a divorce starts to materialise in their head: “Does the company not love me anymore? What am I doing wrong in this relationship”? Probably the question is nothing is wrong, but for some reason once you’re in the expectation is that you are happy to be there. You might have something called performance management or motivational programmes but ultimately the effort is not the same. You are routine, you are expected to always be there, to prepare dinner and take the kids to school and if you’re lucky get to the cinema once in a while. Where companies lose, is that the other side stops challenging, stops giving new ideas and new advice and ultimately might ask for a divorce and move some place else, leaving recruitment with the pressure of getting back to tinder.

promotion, recognition, team-work

In our society it seems we are becoming more selfish, it’s all about me me me and me. We only remember about the others and to work together when something really bad shake us down. Since companies are the reflection of the people that work there. They are the reflection of their emotions and their behaviors. In the struggle for survival everyone fights for their own skin. Many times indeed it becomes a political jungle, everyone wants more power and be well perceived, because that what guarantees a promotion up to the next level. So why would you think about the others?

No company whatsoever would publicly recognize this as a culture: work your ass hard, understand the network, promote yourself and you’ll get there. (Although there are some well known companies where a candidate may not be hired, because he’s not arrogant enough, but let’s assume these are the exception). But this is there. I thought for a long while it was just a cultural thing from south European countries. But it’s just as simple as this. Human nature.

And then it comes the time for Performance feedback, which is supposed to be all about meritocracy and who has contributed the most for the success of the company. Ah! How many lone workers out-there, the team players feel let down by the results because someone else was recognized? Because he was not visible enough? I’m sure many.

I’ve always struggle with this: “should I spend more time showing that I work or should I work?” It’s also important to recognize the backstage guy, who has done a lot of the work, and without whom the team would have not performed well. Even the guy that serves your morning coffee with a smile. Did you thanked him? Without him, you would have no coffee, neither a smile. How would that have affected your work? Yap, little things that we can’t take for granted. Therefore it’s important to recognize everyone’s role.

On this topic, I’ve just read an article (for the full article click here)

Instead of being the one to share good news, let others receive the public glory. Sure, maybe you really did do all the work. Yeah, maybe you really did overcome every obstacle. Okay, maybe you really did lead a diverse, cross-departmental, multifunctional, high-performance team.

It doesn’t matter.Give someone else the glory. Pick a key subordinate who played a major role. Pick a person who could use a confidence boost from public acclaim. Everyone already knows you were in charge, so celebrate the accomplishment through others.

Stand back and let your team shine; the fact you lead such awesome people reflects well on you.

So next time, don’t forget to say thank you and recognize others as well. (ahhh the old saying: treat the others the way you would like to be treated). Again, one of those obvious thinks I’m sure every manager knows and applies, right?

Me, myself and I
